BRAGAMOB has been PRISMAAT partners since we have begun. Dealing with several kinds of mobility programs, for students, teachers and internships, Bragamob are in the active since 2013 and gave dealt with more than 9000 people from 27 different countries and about 600 entities in the region.
Dealing with multicultural array of clients, we couldn’t let go the chance of having at PRISMAAT internships for students of different backgrounds, ages and countries. If the experience is enriching for the participants that deal with the real life in a company (most of the times for the first time) it’s also for PRISMAAT that gets their fresh input and energy.
Up until now we had eight fantastic interns. Some for a three to four weeks period and some for four months.
Design and Web Design (three to four weeks)
- Stefanos Kaitatzis from Greece.
- Miha Lunar from Slovenia.
- Nastya Golubeva from Lithuania.
- Erik Markelli from Solvenia
- Alzbeta Stobova from Slovakia
Marketing and International Business (four months)
- Karatina Korytarova from Slovakia.
- Nikoleta Hencekova from Solvakia Adem Ugurlu from Germany.
If you want to know more about BRAGAMOB check here to learn more and maybe you can be the next on a internship with us.