
Setting up a business in Europe can be complex. It requires knowledge of local laws and regulations (taxes), culture, language, customs and habits. But also knowledge of factors such as infrastructure, geography, politics and competition.

At PRISMAAT we have that knowledge and we want to share it with you!

If you want to enter the Portuguese, and consequently European, market through entrepreneurship, you can choose the modality that best adapts to your situation and professional practice.

1 – D2 Visa – If you need a visa to enter Portugal you can apply for a D2 Visa through a set of requirements which include a Business Plan.

2 – Expression of Interests article 89 – If you do not need a visa to enter Portugal and you want to develop your activity here, with the creation of a company or as a freelancer, you can submit an Expression of Interest under article 89, thus requesting a residence permit.

3 – Expression of Interests article 88 – Subordinate Worker – as in the previous situation, but through a subordinate work contract, in a company in Portugal.

4 – Tech Visa / D1 Visa – For those who need a visa to enter Portugal and intend to work in a local company, can apply for a specific visa for this purpose.

D2 Visa

Expression of Interest


Subordinate Worker / D1 Visa

Tech Visa

Company Formation

Contact us to learn more