Prismaat Brexit

Get over Brexit with PortugIN!

“The British are welcome in Portugal as residents, as tourists, as investors, as students. We hope they will continue to come and stay in Portugal,” says Interior Minister Eduardo Cabrita. In 2017, 22 431 Brits were registered as permanent residents in Portugal, according to data from the immigration service. British Embassy officials estimate the real number living in the country at around 45,000.

The British are always welcomed here in Portugal. The country is not only safe, with a growing economy but it is also, according to the Internations, the most welcoming country in the world for expats. Looking at the elections results regarding the rise of the far-right parties, Portugal is the European country with the lowest results for this movement that got no political representation whatsoever. This results also helps displaying how much tolerant to foreign Portugal is.

The geopolitical location and its infrastructures make Portugal a desired destination for companies. Portugal has 7 big international ports that can be used for all kinds of business transportation. The sea transport is still the cheapest way of transporting goods.

It is also important to mention the direct access to South America, Africa and North America Atlantic triangle.

Portugal has a big history of sea trade, commerce and the favourable position of the country on the Atlantic Ocean, meant that it allways caught the attention of merchants. England was not an exception and many iconic Port Wine brands were founded by Englishmen and Scots. Besides having the oldest alliance in the world The United Kingdom and Portugal have also this as a commonality.

In Portugal many people speak more than one language. Beside the native Portuguese that speak English, French, Spanish and more that are also the expats that speak languages from all the world. Portugal is a very open-minded country and really good place for new beginnings. For individuals and for companies.

For those who are thinking about leaving the UK and starting their business in a new place, Portugal is the right choice. Get over Brexit with PortugIN! Obviously, new starts are never easy, but Prisco Business Group can help you with that. Reach us here and we’ll talk with you.



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Hi, I’m looking to buy in Portugal and move over in the next year and a half, I’m worried with Brexit that if I purchase a property but don’t move over till next year i won’t be allowed. If i purchase a property would i be allowed to still apply for permanent residency?

Dear Sarah
Our account manager will reach you soon and help you with your questions.
Best Regards

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